MTK Tool

Mediatek Flash Tool and Drivers

ModemMETA v10.1952.0.03

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ModemMETA v10.1952.0.03 allows you to Flash or Write IMEI on Mobile Devices running on Mediatek Chipset. ModemMETA is the official tool released by the Mediatek Inc, to Flash or Write IMEI on Mediatek Devices.

ModemMETA v10.1952.0.03

ModemMETA Tool comes as an installer application, which means you have to install it on the computer to use it. Simply download and extract the zip package on your computer and then Run the Setup File to complete the installation process. Once ModemMeta is installed, you are ready to flash or Write the IMEI on your Mediatek Device.

By using the ModemMETA, you can Flash or Write, Backup, and Restore IMEI on your Mediatek Device. It also allows you to flash or install any custom file on your Mediatek Feature Phone.

Here on this page, we have managed to share the official and tested version of ModemMETA i.e v10.1952.0.03 which will help you to Flash or Write IMEI on your Mediatek Device.

ModemMETA v10.1952.0.03 for Windows

ModemMETA Tool for Windows can be used on any Windows Computer including Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

File Name:
Alternative Name: ModemMETA v10.1952.0.03
File Size: 91.8 MB
How to Use: Read Guidelines
Developer: Mediatek Inc.

Mirror 1 (Mega)Mirror 2 (GDrive)Mirror 3 (Mediafire)

Readme Once:

[*] Compatibility: ModemMETA Tool for Windows is compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 (32 or 64 bit computer).

[*] How to Use: If you want to learn to use ModemMETA Tool, then Follow How to Use ModemMETA Tool Page.

[*] Mediatek Driver: In order to use the ModemMETA Tool correctly, you will need to install the VCOM Driver, CDC Driver or MTK Driver Autoinstaller on the computer.

[*] Credits: ModemMETA is created and distributed by Mediatek Inc. So full credit goes to Mediatek Inc for providing the tool for free. is not affiliated or endorsed by MediaTek Inc. | Hosted on BlueHost

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